

Violins? Where art thou?

I remember seeing this video for the first time years ago.

I was only 15 and I INSTANTLY got hooked on violin in music, especially Lindsey.

I realy wanted to learn how to play the violin but by the time I realised that, sadly there was no violin teachers in my area
and 5 years later...


Like seriously did every violin teacher drop off the face of the earth? Are they in hiding? Is it cuz they figured out a way to make violins shoot energy beams?

The only place that DOES teach it is primary school and do I look 6 to you? (dont answer unless you know (if you know you're a creep (unless you're Jodie Whittaker)))

At the end of the day, when all is said and done, I'm not six, Lindsey is still hot and you're still a creep.

Laters! xoxo